The Universe is a Magic Show and You Are the Magician

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Is science just our latest creation myth? Theoretical physicist Rajendra Gupta proposes a radical new model challenging dark matter and pushing the universe’s age back billions of years. But what if these scientific theories are just our way of making sense of a reality beyond human comprehension?

#cosmology #science #consciousness #darkmatter #bigbang #reality #menaskafatos #rajendragupta #darkenergy #creationmyths
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@anirbank6579 says:

Very beautiful. Loved the analogy with maps. If I remember correctly, there is a saying frm Sri Ramakrishna abt this. He said – by looking at a map, you cannot say how a place is, however much you study the map. You have to be there'. Maybe something like that, we are trying to study the Universe, but getting only some fragments..and even these partial fragments conflict with each other. Regards.

@vreddy8231 says:

Very lucid and precise yet very comprehensiveπŸ‘

@user-jb4ei8hi7n says:

More Chopra psycho babel – Everything influences humble possibilities
A single particle reflects subtle experiences
The secret of the universe regulates precious space time events
Hidden meaning self interacts with potential success
Our consciousness embraces visible life
Perception arises and subsides in the light of reality
The cosmos transforms mortal mysteries
Experiential truth is reborn in self-righteous opportunities
Qualia co creates spiritual photons
Infinity transcends quantum joy

@iamdineshkumar says:

As we know more and more, we move further from truth ..! One of the best talk by you Sir

@iamdineshkumar says:

As we know more and more, we move further from truth ..! One of the best talk by you Sir

@fatsand5971 says:

I was actually going to comment about this when you asked which model you thought we perceived as more accurate, Philosophy vs. Science ( I watch your videos randomly). Science always seems to be limited to the knowledge known at that time and when you hear that a lot of modern theories have calculations in them with an unobserved energy it always makes me lean towards Philosophy. I believe that having theoretical science is good for science in general, it will help bring an element of creativity to a field that is tightly bound to a process that is not creative (or at least creative fluidity). So to answer, yes it is our newest creation myth but it may bring about the spark(s) needed to further research in directions that otherwise might not be researched.

@kiranjoshi5267 says:

I think ultimate endeavour of all human activities like spiritual, scientific, artistic etc lies in 2 words
1) Prana ~ singular universal building block
2) Akasha ~ emptiness or infinite potential and possibilities
If one experiences these 2 ( merely mental, philosophical or intellectual understanding is not enough ) then there will be nothing to know
Tantra is based on these tools.
We will have to integrate ancient wisdom and objective knowledge to come out of matrix.

@kevinbutan6566 says:

i ' am not a magician i am athlete but i take thanks a lot

@The-Infinite-Eye says:

That's Right

@Mj0636 says:

Deepak collapses time so much that he needs 2 watches.

@icesphere1205 says:

Does the energy of a corporation…
Create the people/army
the over-abundance of bad is a self fulfilling prophesy

@tariqshaw8457 says:

Why they work– wow, all models of a collective dreamscape! Very enlightening and quite empowering. This tells me to dare/trust deeper! "Science is the latest creation myth" Do you think I'll see even more scifi or even fantasy concepts come alive in my time? What about what I myself originate?

@jessesalinas122 says:

"We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams."πŸ‡πŸŽ©

@imaginaryuniverse632 says:

I remember daydreaming about what actually causes a photon to move the process of photosynthesis along the next cog of the conveyor belt. I just started seeing the Big bang and it spreading out incoherent energy across the vast expanse of space like mist in fog. I then saw the mist coming together to form suns and galaxies simultaneously. Then giant Suns as our Earth's parent exploding after making the ingredients for solar systems including ours. Then I saw life spontaneously appear on the earth and evolve into a great many things including the hydrangea whose leaf I saw the photon from the Sun strike knowing it must be within a certain directness to activate the photoelectric effect. That's when it came to me that there is no rational explanation as to the cause of the next turn of the electron transfer chain other than it meets the requirements we know of because we have seen many examples of if this then that in consideration of photosynthesis. It came to me that everything in the Universe happens by permission automatically when the prerequisites of the happening are met. I've seen this conclusion stated many times since it came to me as I feel you have stated today. I'm sure I've heard it said in different ways many times before but it went right over my head. I had no idea what people meant saying science doesn't explain anything it just predicts things.

@ay8987 says:

Hahahaha ❀ The simplest yet most profound observation πŸ˜‚

@kimberleyshott8970 says:

I find every answer is but a Question❀

@tonywadkins5258 says:

This is all BS.

@user-mq3ke6ml5w says:


@Joseph_Greco says:

"The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao"… in it's naivete trying to explain the unexplainable….or to put it another way "just when you think you know where IT's at; IT moves" πŸ™‚

@DSPDSP1207 says:

This 13.8 Billion years old thing is real crap … it's another MAYA weaved by the MAYAWI .. AS YOU SAID THE MORE WE CLAIM TO KNOW THE FURTHER WE ARE AWAY FROM THE TRUTH !!

@sacredsuperstar says:

This is my favorite talk of all time!!! πŸ”₯

@mariadelcarmenperez2498 says:

libroΒ Reality Reloaded: The Scientific Case for a Simulated Universe…..

@KnowledgeandWisdomhub says:

Worlds most successful spiritual teacher πŸ™

@monikarani4471 says:

πŸ’‹ Dr . Deepak Chopra πŸ’ πŸ’ πŸ’ πŸ’ πŸ’ πŸ’ πŸ’ πŸ’ πŸ’ πŸ’ πŸ’ πŸ’ πŸ’ πŸ’ πŸ’ πŸ’ πŸ’ πŸ’ πŸ’ πŸ’ πŸ’ πŸ’ πŸ’ πŸ’ ❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀ πŸ’‹ πŸ’‹

@kathycarlson7947 says:

love this! I'm the magician.

@barbarabroeske1061 says:

Bottom Line, Deepak! πŸ’―πŸ”†πŸ’ 

@veralucialucia3639 says:

Gupta theory, suggests a new model of cosmology. What scientists have not yet realized is that they are studying humanity itself. My opinion:The accelerated expansion of the universe occurs through information, filling the space of our cells,they end up exploding with so much energy concentration. All the energy that was accumullated in the form of light is released outside, transforming a tiny particle into a micro power plant capable of producing and radiating its own light. Ex: Free energy. Deepak chopra πŸ‘‰ "You are the Universe " Now it make sense.❀

@thegoodluckdoctor says:

Then let the awakened magicians collectively create Heaven on Earth.

Jai Guru Dev πŸ™

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