Non-Duality | what about addictions?

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#nonduality #lawofone #spiritualawakening #4thdensity #nondualism #awakening #loveandlight #spirituality #witch #mysticism #christconsciousness #scienceandnonduality #advaita #religion #god
Instagram: @truth.ineverything // @arilohr

I’m considering adding a daily quote to this description area, from different spiritual teachers and such. Thoughts? (If you happened to look down here lol)

Meditation, yoga, spirituality, self inquiry, enlightenment, non duality, non-duality, nonduality, healing, mental health, gurdjieff, nyland, buddhism, taoism, zen, vipassana, mindfulness, awareness, satsang, oneness, wholeness, advaita, non dual, samadhi, Rupert Spira, Eckhart Tolle, ramana maharshi, david hawkins, tony parsons, mooji, gangaji, adyashanti, enlightened, Rob Burbea, shadow work, emotional work, emotion work, spiritual, spiritual awakening, batgap, buddha at the gas pump, spiritual retreat,


@junkettarp8942 says:

Thanks for that……some people even enjoy the hangover….C O N T R O L.

@bodichair says:

You're absolutely correct. One addiction but many manifestations of the one.

@lincolsouza4257 says:

Very good …I really appreciate it

@user-qk6iz4fx7b says:


@nickmorgan2990 says:

Really enjoyed this content, its so strange to witness direct experience explaining so simply these concepts so to speak and yet the likes of intellectual knowing, the stage which I am currently going through, the slight dis harmony of the knowing deep down within and yet the grasping urge to actual feel, its fascinating for the I within me to witness this play out, the tug of war !!! every stage is its lesson to realise there are no lessons to learn, I think !!! 😂

@smaminipour says:

Your presence is just as valuable as your words, Ari.

@brendan3556 says:

Missed you over the weekend

@amangurjar9714 says:

what your take of sakshi bhav ( art of watching ) i think it is the only method for enlightemnt

@eric_montag says:

Great points in this video Ari. The addiction to being less than whole

@BobbyFriston says:

I always enjoy your videos very much. Thank you !

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