Do we truly understand the universe?

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What we know and don’t know about ourselves and the universe. An update.

#cosmology #philosophy #science #universe #existence #bigbang #consciousness #mystery #humility #creativity #AI #aliens #religion #spirituality
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@bernadettekelly6236 says:

My Dear Deepak..i have No idea. Thank you. I have been listening to you since Covid n i do chakra meditation n med for healing every day. However i am much more at peace n i have complete faith in humanity to move on. Thsnk you sooo much. ❀

@imaginaryuniverse632 says:

I don't know if God is all good but I think it's certain he doesn't appear to be. I'm hoping God is evolving. I'm not sure what the math is on being infinitely wiser than our present state of being but it seems like it should be negative infinity. πŸ™

@QueenColeBleu says:

I feel like many of us homosapiens need to humble ourselves. We don't know as much as we think we know. Who knows what will unfold in the future? πŸ˜„βœŒοΈπŸ’™πŸ”†

@ahmetguven2100 says:

One more thing, i am very criuos about that who was or who were to teach greek philosopherslikef platon or pythagoras in egypth , no evidence, no information even in platons books. Mystery πŸ€”

@ahmetguven2100 says:

Thanks a lot, Δ± do not believe in the scientific modela. Look at Gobeklitepe in Turkey, 12000years ago, somebodies came in and built such amazing creations. Who were them, why did happen and most interrestingly who gave the order somebody should have called, instructed, got people together, had proper plan :))

@TimelessHealercom says:

Jackson Browne: I thought that I was free/But I’m just one more Prisoner of Time/Alone within the boundaries of my mind…

@Echo.12345 says:

8:00 God bless this meat sackπŸ˜‚


sounds like a Healthy perspective. it would probably be a major step forward for Man, were the global scientific community be able to position themselves with such a perspective or "view". … perhaps allowing for ones mental precepts, constructs, etc., to be free and clear, unencumbered from what we appear to perceive, is also healthy. to attempt to engage the experience of being integral with the motion of Nature, experiencing the wonder of change and transformation right in front of us, with no assumptions about it, is the most "natural" psychological state from which to experience a Meditative practice. (is the earth flat? why does the sun cross the heavens ? EXPERIENTIALLY/psychologically, i do not KNOW any thing about these conditions, which is to say i do not have any real understanding. the modern experience, though is suggesting, i operate on what "appears" to be true, which with all of its amassing of information has yet to become Unified with Being. Being is not even on the table as an understanding. so to remove the "cloak of assumptions" or to allow ones self to experience from this "view" of simplicity of experience, is perhaps where the real "Magic" of experience happens. to be with "what is", rather than separated and self aggrandized with the information of Nature, is what will allow Man to understand the "intelligence" of Nature, which is to suggest his own becoming "intelligent" or on the path to developing a sound psychology of experience, in which his physiological, emotional, and intellectual stability are Unified. of course, this "view" is one of personal experience, and is still developing. the "beauty" of not needing to CLING to any perspective as "the one" seems to be at the essence of Deepak's video today. so, maybe we can quantify information, but, the healthiest approach to a science of Man, is to be content with QUALIFYING IT.

@CreativeIntuitive says:

may we realize we can exist together in peace together ❀

@barretjames8320 says:

you are fantastic

@barretjames8320 says:

yes surrender to the majical mystery hey wasnt lucy a million years old found her bones in africa

@barretjames8320 says:

we must see beyond lables and comparisson black white fire water dead alive thought reality

@allhimwithme5115 says:

U2's "City of Blinding Light," opens with the lyric, "The more you see, the less you know, the less you find out as you go; I knew much more then than I do now." Thank you for this exquisite argument for the fact that we don't know nothin'…and we dont' need to know. Much shalom

@blancabeatrizreyes1270 says:


@annakarl9989 says:

Wonderful, thank you πŸ’–πŸ’™πŸ•ŠοΈ

@TheHeartphone says:

Life is no question so it does not need an answer. Just enjoy the beauty of it all in your own bubble because we all live in our own bubble of truth. In that aspect we are one πŸ™‚ All that we experience is our own experience and no one has the same experience. That is the wonder of the universe. To me it is all good as far as one can even speak of good and bad. To me it just is………..

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