Cosmic time engulfs all of the past and future in the eternal now.

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Can we exist simultaneously in the past and future in the perceived present of sentient beings in different locations of the universe? If so, what does it mean for our true self?

#goldilockszone #sentience #cosmictime #quantumentanglement #conflictresolution #peaceistheway
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Siew Kon Sum says:

Even the "eternal now" which is phrase word or in the superficial mind, doesn't exist. The Sages say – "What is, is all that it IS." 😊

Tamás Balázs says:

Thank you Deepak, I did not see it like that!

Weronika Asomsson says:

Stop deceiving people! Jesus is about to walk through the door to stop this nonsense. And just thinking that I listened to you for a while…until I found real God!
They will think it was UFO abduction. Do not be deceived because it will be Jesus coming to deliver his promise of salvation. People! Accept Jesus Christ as your saviour so that you may join your children!

Christine Grace says:

beyond time 'n' space …. ALL IS AND HERE NOW

katherine niemiec says:

Om shanti bless as it is they will assist our divine nature in consciousness amen.

Maria Del Carmen Perez says:

Hi Deepak, thank you 💙💙💙🌌

Anna Karl says:


Anna Karl says:

❤️ thank you 🧡

Simon Clarke says:

Loving everything you do Deepak, blessings to you and your mission. If this illusion is a species specific perspective of reality wouldn't any other sentient life form come from our collective projection of that possibility? Peace. X

Elena Berwanger says:

A hot topic.
Civilizations can see us in the past or the future in holograms. As in the Akashic field (just my opinion).
In the present tense, the quantum field can be used. (even our mind – telepathy…) There are many places on earth that are supposed to have once been possibilities of communication with other Planets. And how else if not through the possibilities offered by quantum mechanics. The question is, are we ready for it? I don't really think so. Or very few of us.
Love and gratitude❤❤❤

Vera lucia Lucia says:

According to prominent Havard Scientist ,Avi Loeb , we are not alone, data collected by telescope PAN – STARRS1 . I prefer to travel through philosophy, Henri Bergson The universe lasts,the deeper we delve into the nature of time, duration means,invention , creation of forms, continuous elaboration of the absolutely New. Endless developments ( Maldelbrot fractal) obrigado ❤🙏

L G says:

Yes there is only now❤

Nieuwe Amstel says:

Deepak, it is staggering what the possibilities are.The distances in the Universe are very large, which gives rise to limitations. The speed of light is reality, not an illusion. The energy field of the Universe is infinite in possibilities; both in goodness and badness, depending on perception.


Love and gratitude ❤🙏

Gabi De Ferrari says:

Namaste monsieur Chopra. Interesting point of view

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